Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Make Your Own Electricity - No Gimmicks!

So you’ve decided you want to make your own electricity. Well, you aren’t the only one! Literally thousands of people are discovering that creating electricity isn’t actually that tough. And the benefits are twofold, you can save a ton of money on bills and you’ll be doing your part to help the environment… if you do it the right way that is.

Not bad, not bad at all…

So, now that you’ve made your choice, what’s the next step in the process. If you want to take my advice, you’ll look into either solar or wind power to generate your own electricity.

Let me tell you why:

1) These are proven technologies. They work.

2) They are perfect for a DIY project. You can build your own solar panels or wind turbines right at home and once you get them up and running, you’ll be generating free electricity.

3) They don’t cost very much to build. Once you’ve figured out how to do the work, the actual materials won’t cost you more than a few hundred bucks. A good trade off when you think of your bills.

4) Information is readily available. Either by doing a bunch a research online or in the library or by purchasing a kit to help you through the process.

If I’ve still got you interested…great! Let me elaborate a bit on the steps involved in how to make your own electricity (using solar or wind of course).

Allow me to give you a bit of background on the two electricity options I spoke about earlier.

How To Make Your Own Electricity Part 1 – Solar Power

Let me start off by saying like any technology, solar power has advanced a great deal over time. Now, the average person can use solar power at home when just a few short years ago it would have been almost impossible. The technology is cheap, plentiful and as I already said, it works.

To keep it simple, solar power is capturing the sun’s nature and abundant energy and turning it into electricity you can actually use. Using solar cells linked together into a solar panel and then hooked into your houses power distribution system (with a few steps in between) you can trap and convert the sun’s rays into delicious free electricity.

How To Make Your Own Electricity Part 2 – Wind Power

Wind power! A pipe dream no longer, though of course the government has found a way to make it expensive AND inefficient. Once again, to break it down in an easily digestible format…wind power is capturing the energy generated by gusts of wind or a gentle breeze and changing it into electricity using a wind turbine.

Wind energy is an even simpler project than solar power. You can assemble your own electricity generating wind turbine for under $150. With a few a these guys chugging away night and day you’ll see a significant reduction in your electric bills in no time.

The best part of using a wind turbine is they are very easy to maintain. The parts are cheap and, wait for it…they work!

What more could you ask for?

If you want to learn more about how to make your own electricity using solar or wind power, check out my website Design Solar Power.

Ready to get started on your project? Read my Power4Home Guide Review, it’s a great kit that will show you how to successfully complete your DIY mission.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Power4Home Guide Review - Psst, I have a Secret!

During my home solar power adventure I’ve used a few different kits to help me along. One of them is called Power4Home, a product created by a man named John Russel.

I’m going to offer you my opinions with a Power4Home guide review.

In a nutshell, I like this product…if you’re interested in knowing why then read on, if not then I suggest you click away!

I like to give titles to the products I review to narrow down exactly what it offers. The Power4Home guide is the kit that provides the Most Solar Power Secrets! It gives you all of the information you’d expect it should: how to build a solar panel and even a wind turbine, but it also gives you a bunch of good tips and ideas for saving even more money. That’s what makes the difference for Power4Home in my opinion.

I’ll tell you exactly what extras it gives you a little later but first let me go over the product a bit.

Power4Home Guide Review

The Bread

The Power4Home guide tells you how to make your own electricity for your house using solar power. Pretty cool. What is even cooler is that you can do it for under 200 bucks, you’ll also be taught how to build a 100 dollar wind turbine for cloudy days. Most people (in my experience) and I include myself in this group, want solar power to save money. And if you do follow the simple instructions in this guide, you’ll be able to cut your electricity bills. If you put enough effort into your project, you could even become energy independent and never cut another check for the power company.

The Butter

So now that you know the basics of Power4Home, let me tell you how it really adds value.

The first secret you’ll learn is how to stop your appliances from draining electricity. Yes, your appliances use electricity even when they’re shut off. That was something of a revelation to me, I had no idea before reading this guide.

One of the most confusing aspects of a solar power project is installing the system into your home. Power4Home walks you through multiple options. For example, did you know you don’t necessarily have to install the panels on your roof? Power4Home lets you know what choices you have and how to make them happen.

I’ve highlighted just a couple of the highlights of Power4Home in this article. If you want a closer look, head on over to the official Design Solar Power website and read my detailed Power4Home Guide Review by clicking here.

Power4Home isn’t the only great guide out there. I suggest you also see the other options by have a peek at my brief reviews of the best solar power kits by clicking here.